Newsletter Date: 01/09/2022

September 2022 Residents Newsletter

Dear Neighbours,
Welcome to issue #3 of our monthly residents newsletter that covers activities carried out in August and upcoming events in September.

Upcoming Operations

  • Dismantling of the existing building.
  • Fit out of the off-site marketing suite 97 Sandgate Road.
  • Re location of welfare facilities to 119 Sandgate Road.
  • Establishment of traffic management.
  • Temporary supports to parts of the building which are to remain in situ.
  • Works to underground services.
Sept 22 01
Sept 22 02

Current on-Site Activities

  • Removal of all stained glass to storage.
  • Removal of all internal timber items and transportation for storage and refurbishment.
  • Preparation for building dismantle.
  • Transportation of terracotta items for storage.
  • Groundworks.
Sept 22 03

Contact Us

It is our intention to complete our works with minimal disruption to the local community. However, if you have any concerns, please contact the following:

Project Director:

Ahmet Ozdemir
07391 865189

Construction Manager:

Ali Atakan
0779 6323332

Head of Health Safety:

Lawrence McKenzie
07479 864071